New solutions for Cultural Heritage at the École française d’Athènes/French School in Athens, Greece.

© École française d'Athènes
On February 7-8 2023, the French School at Athens will host the launch of the ANCHISE Project, a cooperation project funded under the Horizon Europe Programme (February 2023 - January 2026).
ANCHISE stands for ‘Applying New solutions for Cultural Heritage protection by Innovative, Scientific, social and economic Engagement.’ In line with the EU action plan against trafficking in cultural goods, our project aims to build a global and comprehensive answer to protect cultural heritage within and beyond the European Union.
ANCHISE will provide innovative and replicable solutions to European societies. Following the path of the former project NETCHER (H2020), our project will develop and implement new technological tools and methods for heritage professionals (Museums, Academics, Law Enforcement Agencies, etc.).
The ambition of ANCHISE relies on the multidisciplinary expertise of 15 European partners from different sectors:
Innovation companies: PARCS Solutions (FR), ICONEM (FR), INOV (PT)
Research centres: French School at Athens (GR), Fraunhofer (GE), Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (GR), Cyprus Institute (CY), CNRS (FR)
Universities: University of Lumière Lyon 2 (FR), University of Poitiers (FR), EUI Florence (IT), Cyprus University of Technology (CY),
Practitioners: France’s National Police College (FR), International Council of Museums (FR)
Cultural networks: Michael Culture Association (BE)
By exploring our website, you can learn more on the different activities carried out by our project. For more news, stay in touch with us on social media: @AnchiseProject (Twitter) Anchise Project (LinkedIn)