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We have gathered open-access resources related to the topic of illicit trafficking of cultural heritage. Scroll down to discover:

Links and information to other EU-funded projects and initiatives  →

General resources on illicit traffic and heritage preservation  (UNESCO, European Commission, etc.)  →  

Linked projects

Linked projects and initiatives

Discover some other EU-funded projects which also tackle the issue of illicit trafficking of cultural heritage!

Digital Network

NETCHER Project (H2020, 2019-2021) 

The NETCHER project – NETwork and digital platform for Cultural Heritage Enhancing and Rebuilding aimed at setting up an information network and a chart of good practices at a European scale, by gathering maximum numbers of actors engaged in the preservation of cultural heritage. In a Network dynamic, the NETCHER project produced a set of recommendations, a best practice repository, and open-access tools oriented towards the protection of cultural heritage. Discover the NETCHER results by clicking here:

  • NETCHER's 3 Policy Briefs

  • Policy recommendations

  • Research Agenda


PREVISION Project (H2020, 2019-2021) 

The PREVISION Project – PREdiction and Visual Intelligence for Security InformatiON – aimed to empower analysts and investigators of Law Enforcement Agencies with tools and solutions concerning cyber criminality. The overall strategy in the execution of the PREVISION project was based on an iterative development methodology, which involved frequent software releases being made available to the LEA and practitioners' end-users for testing and evaluation, resulting in keeping them continuously in the production loop. Within a large asset of research, PREVISION included a specific use case on looting and trafficking of cultural goods.


PITCHER Project (Erasmus+, 2021- 2024) 

The PITCHER project – Preventing Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Heritage: Educational Resources – consists of the design and test of a set of open educational resources focusing on improving the educators’ capacity in preparing new learning experiences to support the fight against looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods. The project will propose a new model for showing young people how they can support the fight against looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods, addressing their school teachers, raising teachers’ awareness and enhancing their professional development in this field.


Project funded under the same call HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-07:

Charte Graphique Anchise(1).png

AURORA (Horizon Europe, 2023-2026)

AURORA is funded under the same call as ANCHISE. AURORA will create an effective artwork digital identity by analysing art piece deep layers chemical composition (insensible to superficial alterations), permanently and unalterably stored, to improve cultural heritage management by means of a stable physical-to-digital identity connection. AURORA gathers 9 partners from 6 countries.




ENIGMA (Horizon Europe, 2023-2026)

ENIGMA is funded under the same call as ANCHISE. ENIGMA shall achieve excellence in the protection of Cultural Goods and artefacts from man-made threats by contributing to identification, traceability, and provenance research of Cultural Goods as well as by safeguarding and monitoring of endangered heritage sites.  ENIGMA brings together 12 partners from 7 European countries.



Main resources

Main resources about illicit trafficking of cultural heritage

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