Advisory Board
The ANCHISE project will benefit from the contribution of an Advisory Board (AB) composed of researchers and professionals of the cultural heritage sector (Bibliothèque Nationale de France), representation of civil society (Europa Nostra), legal experts (Unidroit) at a European Level.
User Board
The Consortium has a strong will to largely involve practitioners and archaeologists committed to the protection of cultural heritage. That is why a Users’ Board will be created, building on the former H2020 NETCHER project. The purpose of the user board is to bring together a wide range of international expertise and to compare and contrast opinions, and is not the instrument of a single voice carried by the consortium.
This is why the project partners will be careful to welcome and respect this plurality.
The project’s user board is composed of:
Cultural Heritage Professionals
Academics, archaeologists, curators, historians and art historians, and professionals from Libraries, Archives and Museums are a core component of the ANCHISE project, as their research and expertise can be used both as a methodology and as proof when it gets disseminated.
Art Market Professionals
The involvement of art market professionals in the ANCHISE consortium is essential to promote dialogue and the adaptability of tools to the art market.
Culture, education and awareness
This category is composed of education-oriented institutions such as universities, colleges, high schools and associations able to deliver trainings in one of the involved professional fieldworks and/or within inter-branch approaches.
Law enforcement agencies and justice authorities
The LEAs and justice authorities are a key part of the ANCHISE project. The security forces (police, border control, customs) will strongly contribute to describe the state of the art, the offender processes, modus operandi, flows, routes and waypoints.
Research labs, technology and data science providers
The regular emergence of new technologies opens new perspectives with archaeology, security, heritage preservation and the art specialist communities alike