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ANCHISE in Tirana to UNESCO event

ANCHISE was invited to the Training Workshop organised by UNESCO from 21 to 25 October 2024 in Tirana, Republic of Albania.

The event was organised in the framework of the “Fighting against the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property in the Western Balkans” project, funded by the European Commission (DG NEAR/DG EAC) and implemented by UNESCO through the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (Venice) and its Antenna in Sarajevo.

LRENSP delivered a presentation of ANCHISE to a broad and various audience of stakeholders involved in the protection of cultural heritage, with ICOM’s valuable contributions and clarifications. Entitled “Remedies for an Improved Fight: ANCHISE project”, the speech aimed at addressing the topic from a research and innovation point of view, by sharing experience, illustrating methods as well as opportunities of a European collaboration.

credits: UNESCO

The speech contained three parts: the first one was busy with several reminders, previous achievements and current challenges. ANCHISE objectives, methods and activities were described in the second part of the speech. Specific attention was drawn on ANCHISE’s bottom-up and interdisciplinary approach, towards the significant role played by the international network of experts belonging to key professional communities (Cultural Heritage Professionals, Art Market Professionals, Culture, education and awareness, Law enforcement agencies and justice authorities, Research labs, technology and data science providers). The combination of Technologies, Social Sciences and Humanities, together with the Toolkit developed within the project, were other key aspects highlighted during the presentation.

In addition, the speech offered the opportunity to provide fresh feedbacks on ANCHISE’s First Demonstration and previous events, including webinars, such as the last one on The role of academic research in the fight against illicit trafficking.

The third part of the speech aimed at sharing lessons learnt, resources, further perspectives, and ANCHISE Policy Brief n°1, whose one of the main points is to remind cultural heritage as a threatened resource.

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Funded by the European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Photo credits:

École française d'Athènes

Maria Teresa Natale

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