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ANCHISE features an article in the Horizon Magazine - May 2023

We are glad to share that ANCHISE features the article “Museums and police in Europe join forces to fight illicit trade in artefacts” written by journalist Alex Whiting for the EU Research & Innovation Magazine (published May 23, 2023.)

In a dialogue with Corinne Chartrelle, (former deputy head of France’s Central Office for the Fight against Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Goods and current expert for the French National Police Academy, ANCHISE partner) the article highlights the stakes of protecting heritage and the Commission’s involvement through EU-funded projects.

The need to bring together different tools, practices and sectoral expertise in the fight against illicit traffic is one of the main takeaways underlined by the article, which brings forward the different outputs of the 3 projects: ANCHISE, AURORA and ENIGMA.

While AURORA (2023-2026) will create an effective artwork digital identity by analysing art pieces' deep layers chemical composition to improve cultural heritage management by means of a stable physical-to-digital identity connection, ENIGMA (2023-2026) will focus on the identification, traceability, and provenance research of cultural goods, as well as by safeguarding and monitoring of endangered heritage sites.

Read the article here

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Funded by the European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Photo credits:

École française d'Athènes

Maria Teresa Natale

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